How Riverton Micro-Markets Can Improve Workplace Health Practices

Riverton Break Room Solutions | Self-Serve Kiosks | Innovative Technology | Micro-Markets

How Riverton Micro-Markets Can Improve Workplace Health Practices

Riverton Break Room Solutions | Self-Serve Kiosks | Innovative Technology | Micro-Markets

As everything continues to open up in Riverton, many companies are heading back into the office. Bringing everyone back together is an exciting adjustment, and taking extra precautions ensures the comfort of your employees and a successful re-opening. Micro-markets offer a simple yet effective way to enhance the overall health and safety practices at the office.

There are several ways to enhance your Riverton break room solutions. Touchless technology or even changing the layout of shelving are just a few examples. Below, we’re breaking down three ways that company micro-markets can improve your office’s workplace health and safety practices.

Grab-and-Go Options

Whether you have vending machines or an open market layout, most Riverton break rooms offer grab-and-go options. Therefore, employees have plenty of quality pre-packaged products to quickly choose from. Grab-and-go products make for efficient and germ-free snack selections. This, among other advances create a healthy and safe environment in your break room.

Additionally, equipping your micro-market with better-for-you options will instantly boost office morale. We can work together to create a customized Riverton corporate wellness program right in your break room.

Micro-Markets Touchless Check-Out

Touchless technology has become increasingly important over the past year. Now that offices are opening back up, there’s no better time to have it in your Riverton break room services. With touchless check-out, customers at work can snack with ease. Grab an item, scan your phone or card, and be on your way. Simple as that!

Some touchless payment options include debit and credit cards, mobile wallets, or preloaded accounts. This is great for employees who don’t carry cash, as it’s easy and efficient to use right from your smartphone. Be sure to upgrade your Riverton vending technology with state-of-the-art payment technology. Your employees will thank you for it!

Riverton Micro-Markets | Health and Wellness | Company Culture

Open Shelving & Glass-Front Coolers

How your Riverton break room is set up can make a big impact on your workplace health and safety. For instance, open shelving and glass-front coolers are great ways to reduce employees’ exposure to germs.

Open shelving makes it easy for people to clearly see each product without having to touch them. Similarly, glass-front coolers give workers the opportunity to window shop before buying anything. Therefore, the less employees need to touch any objects, the more likely they are to remain healthy. Not to mention, your break room will look modern and sleek with these improvements.

Do you need help upgrading your company break room before opening the office back up? Visit us today at Breakroom Choices or call 866-Choice9 (866-246-4239) for the best Riverton break room solutions.

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