Grow Your Business

Being an operator can be a difficult and time-consuming task. While bigger competitors can offer lower prices and the latest technology, it can be difficult to compete. If you find yourself asking, “Should I really continue doing this?” The answer is yes! Consider brand licensing opportunities with Breakroom Choices and see how we can help you grow your business!

Licensing your Salt Lake City breakroom with Breakroom Choices

Focus on what you love
with Licensing Opportunities

You just have to provide superior service!

Leverage our
marketing expertise

Leverage our
brand name

Leverage our
25+ years of experience

Breakroom Choices breakroom licensing in Salt Lake City

Leverage our
expert support team

Leverage our
buying power

Leverage our
sales expertise

We are looking for
breakroom companies that:

Truly care about their customers and the vending machine industry

Have ambitious goals and ideas but lack the guidance to achieve them

Need support in specific areas but don’t know where to begin

How You Benefit

Win customers over with innovative vending technology

Greatly increase your buying power with us, so everyone wins

Exclusive access to an extremely successful and proficient operator


Breakroom Choices is the only refreshment service currently offering business licensing opportunities

Take your company to the next level.