What Do Regional Favorites Say About Your Salt Lake City Refreshment Services?

Salt Lake City Workplace Refreshment Services | Office Coffee Service | Vending | Food

What Do Regional Favorites Say About Your Salt Lake City Refreshment Services?

Salt Lake City Workplace Refreshment Services | Office Coffee Service | Vending | Food

Offering refreshment services in the break room help companies meet employees’ needs, improve workplace satisfaction, and foster coworker friendships. When supplying the break room refreshments, don’t only fill your Salt Lake City break room with regional favorites. Even when areas of the country tend to prefer specific types of drinks, having a variety of options will keep things interesting.

Keep reading for three ways you can optimize your Salt Lake City vending services to satisfy every craving your employee’s may have.

Break Room Advice from the Coke Vs. Pepsi Debate

The debate over Coke or Pepsi teaches a lot about satisfying employees’ cravings. Traditionally, those in the south favor Coke, while people from northern states prefer Pepsi. This is a debate that will live on forever, no matter where you’re from.

To meet all employees’ cravings, consider carrying all the popular brands in your Salt Lake City micro-market program. You never know where someone is from, and they might find joy in their day by finding a non regional favorite product in their break room!

Refreshment Services Learned from Iced Tea

In some regions, the sweet tea vs. unsweet tea fight runs deep. In the south, iced tea automatically means sweetened tea. If you want unsweetened tea when you’re ordering, you will have to specify this. In the north, order iced tea and the server will bring you just that – iced tea without any sugar. No matter which region you’re in, “iced tea” has different meanings to both.

Northerners believe unsweetened tea and sugar packets suffice as an alternative to southern sweet tea, but they don’t! People consider the number of sugar packets necessary to sweeten unsweet tea to the south’s standard excessive.

Salt Lake City Break Room Refreshment Services | Micro-Market Service | Tea Service

Use this information to benefit your break room beverages. By providing both sweet and unsweet tea, you satisfy everyone’s palate. Be sure to include sugar in your Salt Lake City office coffee service, so that you meet all employees’ needs.

Chicago Pizza Teaches About Refreshment Variety

Ask anyone in Chicago about pizza, and deep-dish comes up in the conversation. Even though the reverse-engineered pizza originated in Chi-Town, not every Chicagoan loves deep-dish pizza. Nor do they eat it every day.

Even those who love Chicago-style pizza often opt for other styles. Chicago teaches that just because someone comes from the Windy City, they prefer to have a variety of different options available to them.

Regardless of where your company resides or where employees originate, you should always offer a variety of food and beverage products. Employees appreciate options and when you stock your Salt Lake City break room with a lot of them, they’ll notice the difference!

Salt Lake City Refreshment Services for Your Break Room

If you need to upgrade your Salt Lake City refreshment services, look no further than Breakroom Choices. Vending machines, micro-markets, pantry service, and office coffee solutions – we cover all your break room needs! Call 866-Choice9 (866-246-4239) to learn more today!

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