Coffee and Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives in Provo

Office Coffee Service in Provo

Coffee and Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives in Provo

Office Coffee Service in Provo

Are you one of the 68 percent of coffee drinkers who add creamer, half-and-half, milk, or a non-dairy milk alternative to their coffee? If so, you definitely aren’t alone. A recent study by the National Coffee Association found that of those individuals who prefer to whiten their coffee, 52 percent prefer creamer, 21 percent use half-and-half, 19 percent use whole milk, and 8 percent prefer a non-dairy milk alternative.

While non-dairy milk alternatives are well established in both health food and mainstream grocery stores, usage in cafes is still growing. Brian Lovejoy, coffee general manager at Califia Farms in California, recently shared that consumers were increasingly requesting non-dairy alternatives. Many popular chains now offer at least one non-dairy milk alternative for their Provo customers.

Some of the more frequently used non-dairy milk alternatives include almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, and coconut milk. Each one has its own distinct taste and texture, and performs differently when either added directly to black coffee, or steamed and added to an espresso beverage such as a cappuccinos.

A few important things to know about each option include:

Almond Milk
  • non-soy alternative
  • slightly sweet and nutty flavor
  • naturally contains vitamin E, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and healthy fats
  • steamed almond milk is very close to steamed skim milk and blends equally well in hot or cold coffee including cold brew
Soy Milk

Office Coffee Service in Provo

  • non-dairy and non-nut alternative
  • smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet, but strong flavor
  • higher in protein, carbohydrates, and lower in fat than most other non-dairy alternatives
  • when steamed, it produces a thick layer of microfoam; most similar to dairy milk’s texture
Hemp Milk
  • non-dairy, non-soy, and non-nut alternative
  • slightly sweet and nutty flavor, watery texture
  • high in omega-3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory and heart-healthy fats), and contains the most protein
  • can be used, but it is the thinnest of the non-dairy alternatives
Coconut Milk
  • non-dairy, non-soy alternative
  • sweet, subtle coconut flavor; thick, rich, and creamy
  • high in healthy saturated fats
  • thickest and creamiest of non-dairy milk alternatives, but use it sparingly as the coconut flavor can overwhelm the coffee’s flavor

And don’t forget to include non-dairy milk alternatives as an option with your Provo office coffee service. Employees who can’t or don’t want to consume dairy will have an extra reason to stop by the office break room. Including cafe-style coffee service with a variety of choices encourages your employees to also stay on site for their break. It’s an opportunity for a caffeine boost, a quiet moment to relax, or a chance to catch up with colleagues.

For more information about adding office coffee service to your Provo break room or to change your current selections, call Breakroom Choices at 866-Choice9 (866-246-4239).

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