10 Feb Are You Prepared for the Future of Self-Checkout Kiosks in Phoenix?
Self-checkout kiosks are a prime instance of automation. And automation is taking the world by storm. Just look at the response to ChatGPT.
In a world that’s constantly evolving, it’s vital to ensure your breakroom keeps up with the changing times. If you’re in Human Resources, then you already know the challenge. Your role is larger and more challenging. At Breakroom Choices, we can help by taking care of the Phoenix breakroom. That includes modernizing this space for your staff with a self-checkout kiosk.
Quick History Lesson on Kiosks
Automation, such as self-checkout kiosks, is the latest step in a 100-year-old journey. According to NCR Corp., self-service was pioneered in a U.S. supermarket in 1916 by Clarence Saunders. He owned a Piggly Wiggly and gave his customers shopping baskets. This let them pick products from the shelves, ending the need for store clerks. It fast became the new model for supermarkets nationwide. And that was only the start. This type of self-service moved society into a new era. One of efficiency, convenience, and productivity.
Self-Checkout Kiosks are on the Rise
Today, innovation strikes again. The rapid growth of technology helped to jump self-service forward. Banks added automated teller machines (ATMs). This let people get money without a teller. Gas stations offered pay-at-the-pump options. This eliminated the need for attendants. And self-checkout kiosks were put in airports, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. People could check-in, pay, or order themselves.
Consider these facts about the growth of self-checkout. According to ResearchandMarkets.com, the global self-checkout market is expected to double to $5.9 billion by 2026. And FMI reports that self-checkout use jumped 6% in 2022 from 2021. What is it that customers love most about self-checkout? The convenience, says the NCR Corp. According to one of their surveys in 2014, 90% of consumers use self-checkout.
Self-checkout kiosks are the future. In fact, a self-checkout is not a competitive advantage. To keep your break room modern, it’s a competitive requirement.
Tech Improves Self-Checkouts
Tech forward kiosks let you use your smartphone to check out. That makes the experience touchless, quick, and efficient. Our kiosks allow you to pay via credit card or mobile payment, so it’s perfect for when you’re in a hurry.
Being able to use a smartphone in this way is big for a lot of people. According to kioskindustry.com, 65% of consumers want to use their smartphone to checkout. Breakroom Choices makes this possible.
Keep Pace with Trends in Self-Checkout Kiosks
In the end, people like to pay at self-checkout kiosks. Why? Because they are fast, cashless, and secure. They allow multiple payment options. Plus, they make it possible to look at items before buying. That’s a great feature when trying to eat healthier options at work.
With such a popular trend, it’s an easy decision to add self-checkout to your PHX breakroom. Allow Breakroom Choices to create a market in your Phoenix breakroom and you’ll never have to think about it again! Even as a facility manager, it is good for you. A market and self-checkout kiosk reduce labor, as well as stress. You’re free to focus on other important matters. Plus, they are open 24/7. That gives you more flexibility and improves access to your employees. And Phoenix micro-markets are completely secure, thanks to the cameras we install with your kiosk.
As you can see, there’s more to Breakroom Choices than great Phoenix vending service. We keep ahead of technology trends. Then, we offer those technologies as breakroom solutions in the Phoenix area, from healthy vending machines to single-cup office coffee brewers. That makes us the best choice and partner for the future. Reach out to Breakroom Choices today at 866-246-4239 or info@breakroomchoices.com.
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